TF-CSIRT allows guests to attend the open part of TF-CSIRT meetings. Guests are required to fill in their reason for the request in the registration form and these requests are reviewed and approved by the TF-CSIRT Steering Committee Chair. Occasionally guests and / or listed teams also request access to the closed meeting. The following process is undertaken when such requests are received.
- registered guests for the meeting will be emailed and informed that they are welcome to the open meeting only, with a link to this policy for the closed meeting.
- requests to attend the closed meeting will only be accepted for the following groups: speakers, accreditation candidates, local host teams and dignitaries, FIRST Board of Directors.
- guests must request access to the closed meeting at least 7 working days before the meeting takes place by email to the TI team ( This should include a motivation for why the individual wants to attend the closed meeting.
- a list of proposed guests will be circulated to accredited teams at least 5 working days before the meeting takes place and teams will be asked to express any objections to the list.
- objections can be received up until the beginning of the closed session when the TF-CSIRT chair will formally present the guest requests.
- no guests will be permitted to request access on the day of the meeting.
- guests will be asked to sign a lightweight agreement saying they will respect the appropriate TLP for presentations and information given in the meeting.