The 3rd European cert-coord seminar and meeting took place at the Vienna University, Universitätsstrasse 7 / Liebiggasse 6, Vienna on 11 and 12 May 2000.

Thursday, 11 May 2000


1. Welcome. Overview of the programme. Apologies. Introduction of those present.

Friday, 12 May 2000

3rd cert-coord meeting

1. Welcome and Apologies.
2. Round of Introductions.
3. Minutes of Last Meeting (Amsterdam, 21 January 2000). Status report on actions from last meeting.
4. Status of “Trusted Introducer” call for proposals.
5. Deploying PKI for CSIRTs and web-of-trust (including relation to LDAP). Introductions by Don Stikvoort and Andrew Cormack. Discussion.
6. FIRST and relations with FIRST. Introduction by Don Stikvoort. Discussion.
7. Results of yesterday’s seminar sessions. Summary conclusions.
8. The RIPE database and incident handling. Introduction by Wilfried Wöber. Discussion.
9. Other action items:

  • Clearing House for Incident Handling Tools.
  • Pointers to legal information.
  • Encouraging new CSIRTs.
  • Training workshops for new (staff of) CSIRTs.

Discussion and agreement on next steps.

10. Establishing a TERENA Task Force.

  • Discussion and agreement on draft charter (objectives, deliverables, time scales).
  • Election of Task Force convenor.

11. Date of Next Meeting.
12. Any other Business.