The voting for new members for the TF-CSIRT Steering Committee will take place from Monday 5th October. There are 3 seats open in this election: Two seats are available for a fullRead More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: Happy Birthday!
To round of our celebrations of the 20th anniversary, we prepared this short video to celebrate everything that the community has achieved since it began. Many thanks to all of our members,Read More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: An Interview with Klaus-Peter Kossakowski
TF-CSIRT is turning 20! And who is best to tell the story than those who lived it? To mark this special occasion, we have reached out to some of the most notableRead More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: an Interview with Don Stikvoort
TF-CSIRT is turning 20! And who is best to tell the story than those who lived it? To mark this special occasion, we have reached out to some of the most notableRead More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: an interview with Andrew Cormack
TF-CSIRT is turning 20! And who is best to tell the story than those who lived it? To mark this special occasion, we have reached out to some of the most notableRead More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: an interview with Silvio Oertli
TF-CSIRT is turning 20! And who is best to tell the story than those who lived it? To mark this special occasion, we have reached out to some of the most notableRead More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: an Interview with Lionel Ferette
TF-CSIRT is turning 20! And who is best to tell the story than those who lived it? To mark this special occasion, we have reached out to some of the most notableRead More…
TF-CSIRT at 20: an Interview with Baiba Kaskina
TF-CSIRT is turning 20! And who is best to tell the story than those who lived it? To mark this special occasion, we have reached out to some of the most notableRead More…
First Virtual TF-CSIRT Meeting
The 25th May 2020 should have seen the TF-CSIRT community gathering once together in Romania for our 60th TF-CSIRT but like so many other groups we found ourselves meeting online instead. TheRead More…
Request for Quotations: TRANSITS Head Trainer
In order to support GÉANT with TRANSITS work and operations, we are seeking quotations for a Head Trainer to support TRANSITS I and II course delivery. The successful bidder will work closelyRead More…